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Aylwin Lambert
Various booklets produced by me for inclusion within common miscellanies (as described in Revival).
Everyday Cyanotypes: A User's Guide for the Home
A booklet composed of cyanotypes and a short how to guide.
Aylwin Lambert
Construct Your Own RCS - Part Three: Brigantia Cross Stich
Aylwin Lambert
Construct You Own RCS: Issue 1
A guide to a card system to be used within practice led cross-disciplinary research.
Aylwin Lambert
Construct Your Own RCS - Issue Two: Woden Cross-Stich Pattern
Cross-Stich Pattern based on the Finglesham Buckle
Aylwin Lambert
The Forms of Object Apprehension
A short booklet filled with diagrams that explore how we relate to objects.
Aylwin Lambert
Aylwin Lambert